Requirements: Overnight boarding services are reserved for pack members.
*Your dog must participate in our packwalk weekly or attend our daycare services at a minimum 2 times per month to be considered a pack member.
Drop off time: Between 7am-9:30am or between 4pm-6pm Monday to Friday. Late day drop offs tend to be more agitated/restless on their first night. We recommend early drop offs to build comfort and so we can tire them with daily walks. Weekend drop offs must be scheduled. Billing is per night stayed.
Check out time: Between 7am-9-30am * After 9:30am, dogs are planned into daily walks and activities and a $40 daycare charge will be added. Pick up time for daycare is between 4pm and 6pm. Weekend pick ups must be pre-scheduled.
Food: You provide your dogs food. Please bring enough for the duration of your dogs stay. Please label with your dogs name and quantities to give and how often they are fed. We provide bowls unless your dog requires a specialty bowl. We provide refrigeration for foods that are required cold. We attend to all types of diets (kibble, raw and cooked).
Toys/ Treats/ Bones: Not recommended as these will lead to confrontation with other dogs.
Sleeping: If your dog sleeps in a crate/ cage, please bring it with them. We have crates available, but they always prefer their own. We will provide the bedding although a blanket or dog bed from home will also make your dog feel more at home here. We let the dogs choose where they want to sleep.
Medications: Please provide any medications your dog is taking along with dosage / time instructions.
Puppies/ Young dogs: We provide playpen area and pee pads indoors and separate play time outdoors away from larger dogs when required. Puppies under 6 months requiring extra care and clean ups add $5 to daily rate.
Housetrained: Please let us know if your dog is NOT housetrained or if he/ she has a unique way of letting us know when they need to go outside to pee or poo. Please let us know if your dog is known to ‘mark’ areas inside a home.
Training: Please let us know what you are currently working on (training/ obedience) with your dog so we can continue instructing during their stay with us.
Temperament: We board in a ‘pack’ setting. Your dog MUST get along with other dogs to be included in the pack or stay in our home. Privacy is provided during rest time, feeding and sleeping.
Un-neutered/ Un-spayed: We DO NOT board ‘unfixed’ or ‘intact’ dogs.
Fears/ Nervousness: Let us know of anything that makes your dog feel agitated, anxious or afraid (fireworks, thunder and lightning, loud cars, types of people, etc.)
Walks/ Exercise: All dogs staying with us will walk with us. A morning walk if required and an afternoon pack walk. Pack walks include waterplay or swimming during hot weather. Dogs will also play with other dogs in our house and yard between walks. Rest time is provided if your dog prefers. Please let us know if your dog has any medical restrictions.
Duration of stay: We cannot allow visitation by friends or family members during overnight stays. It takes time for your dog to adjust to their new ‘temporary’ residence and visiting only disrupts this process. For them and other dogs staying with us.
Leashing Requirements: We provide our own collars and leashes for walking your dog during their stay with us. You are required to have your dog leashed and controlled from your car to our door. Please bring your dog with and attached to their personal leash and collar.